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Emergency Car Kits
Have you considered the importance of an emergency car kit? Are you on the road often, whether it be for business or pleasure? Many travelers hit the road unprepared, sometimes finding themselves in difficult situations. In addition, with so much attention now placed on the possibility of having to evacuate your community quickly, having an emergency car kit in your trunk could prove invaluable.
What should go into an emergency car kit?
Every emergency car kit should have the basic essentials...water, food and warm clothing or blankets. Items such as these will get you by for a day or two after a breakdown or if you are stuck in unusual or unexpected weather.
Water is the most critical survival necessity. You can survive for several days without food but without water you will dehydrate quickly. Bottles of water are fine for that short-term survival situation but if you find yourself in for the long haul, when you know community services may be out for weeks, there are water boxes available with a 5-year shelf life.
One option is to buy ready-made kits. Many are available via on-line stores and will provide you the essentials to survive, some for several days. Just make sure it stocks what is important for your possible situation.
Here's a good list to start with to build your own emergency car kit. Keep in mind that where you live and the climate changes experienced there dictate what should be in your kit. The essentials listed above will be the same but breaking down in the desert has it's own unique challenges as does being trapped in the snow.
bottles of water or water boxes
water purification tablets
wool blankets or emergency blankets
road flares
duct tape
flashlight (rechargeable by crank or shaking)
set of tools, standard and metric
small shovel
strike-anywhere matches and/or waterproof matches
lightsticks (great for kids, safe, non-toxic and can be seen up to one mile away)
MRE's (meals ready to eat)
transistor or crank-powered radio
$20 cash
toilet paper
jumper cables
first aid kit, including any necessary medications
lithium batteries (not rechargeables, single-use lithium batteries have a longer shelf life than alkaline batteries)
Besides MRE's, snack foods such as peanut butter, granola bars and raisins are an excellent source of energy and are non-perishable.
Be prepared mentally as well. When faced with an emergency situation, the last thing you want to do is lose your head, especially if there are others traveling with you. Children or elderly relatives are relying on you for their safety. When faced with a difficult situation, possibly one of survival, get busy. Do your best to make you and those with you as comfortable as possible. And because you were prepared, the emergency car kit has the essentials taken care of.
Assess your surroundings and make sure your car is still safe to serve as shelter. Staying with a car buried axle deep in a sandy river bottom may not be wise, especially if there are storm clouds in the distance. A violent thunderstorm upriver will bring a rush of water downstream, easily catching you offguard and scrambling to get out of its way.
If trapped in the snow, your car will protect you from the wind and cold. Running the engine for short periods to heat the car will help you and others with you remain reasonably comfortable.
Most of the time, it's best to stay with your vehicle. Rescuers will have an easier time spotting a large piece of metal than a person on foot. Again, with your car kit, you should be fine until you are located. The river bottom scenario discussed above is just one of a few situations where staying with your vehicle could prove dangerous. Even if you are forced to leave your car, seek shelter nearby. Your vehicle acting as a beacon still applies. If your car is found, so will you.
Prior to hitting the road, make sure you tell a friend or family member of your plans and when you expect to return. This seems like a no-brainer but having someone looking out for you at your destination could save your life. With what they know about you and your vehicle, they have the knowledge to inform rescuers.
Being organized and ready for the unexpected helps you be in a better state of mind to enjoy your trip. With a kit in your trunk you know that at least you will be ready for a minor emergency, and possibly more.
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Don't Get Trapped in Your Car
Here is a very scary statistic to consider: in 2001 there were over 42,000 fatal car crashes, which means that there was one death every 12 minutes. Out of those 42,000 deaths, 500 of them were because the people in the car were trapped inside without any way to get out. 500 of those deaths could have been avoided. Getting trapped in your used Toyota Rav4 or other vehicle is a very serious situation and while you may think, Oh, that will never happen to me, you may want to think again. Accidents can and do happen and if you want to ensure that you are as safe as possible at all times while in your car you should consider having a set of auto escape tools with you.
Two of the most popular auto escape tools that are on the market that can be used on everything from a Hummer H2 to cheap used Nissans are the LifeHammer The Original Escape Tool and the ResQME, a keychain version based off of the LifeHammer. These tools will allow you to break the glass on a window or cut a jammed seatbelt and allow you to escape. If you are thinking you saw something about these tools on the television show MythBusters, you did. With this tool in your car, you will be able to get out of a tough situation that normally you may not survive.
While having one of these tools handy in your car is a good idea, you should also consider all of the safety features that are offered on your car. Safety is high priority with manufacturers, and vehicles are being equipped with accessories such as front and passenger side air bags, curtain airbags in the back seats, alcokeys, cold air intake, seatbelts that come with pretensioners, latch locks for car seats, and other safety features that are designed to make sure you are safe when driving.
Of course, all of these items will do you no good if you do not drive sensibly whenever you are behind the wheel. You should always take your time getting where you are going, stay focused on the road and the other drivers around you, and try not to be distracted when driving. If you get drowsy, pull over and take a break. And above all, remember you have safety features in your car in the event of an accident in which you get trapped. By keeping a cool and level head, you will be able to survive.
If you are looking for Mazda or Nissan, please visit our website.
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